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Construction and industrial structures Ltd.

Public Construction

"Elta" Ashdod- High-Tech building "Shikma" 

stretched over 6000 square meters of offices, labs and clean-rooms. "Peles" has managed to fulfill its clients urgent needs, and its construction was completed within less than one year. The construction comprises the technological advancement in the field of construction, and innovative construction methods and materials of the 21st century were put into use. 

"Mexico Hall"

Mt. Scopus Campus of the Jebrew University of Jerusalm- holding 1,000 seats, built by "Peles" for hosting international conventions, and due to its great importance to the client, it was built by the top professional in the construction and planning field. 

The Israeli Aerospace Industry- the jet engines building

A hangar holding a factory for the renewal of jet engines in the IAI in Lod. It is joined with another building holding the IAI administration offices. The hangar is built upon steel foundations, coated by isolating panels, industrial construction with higher technical specifications than accustomed in the aircraft industry. 

Electricity Company- Jerusalem's sub-station H

Located on Beth Lehem Road. The building is inside the electricity company site, and was first built during the period of the British Mandate. Unfortunately, along the year the building had neglected and on the verge of crumbling down. "Peles" had renovated the building and transformed it into a sub-unit supplying electricity to different parts of the city, while modifying its inner appearance to suit its new purpose. The outer shell of the building has been restored, and the building's appearance and function is it was originated.  

Central automatic storehouse in Tel Hashomer Hospital

An industrial construction stretching over 4,000 square meters, steel foundations, the outer walls are comprised by basic concrete elements with stone backing, high specifications, the buildings is used as a computerized authomatic storehouse enabling the hospital staff complete supervision of its inventory and saving storage space.  

"Elta" Ashdod- "Te'ena" building doe offices and labs

Operating in "Elta" factory in Ashdod. The building is a supplement for an already-existing building, and is an exact duplicate of it. The construction was divided into two separate phases, in order to enable the client to work and maintain and undisturbed schedule while the second phase of the construction is taking place. At the end of the project, one cannot tell between the original building and its sequel- the evidence of success.

"Achva" gymnasium in Yaffo

A sports and performance hall that "Peles" built in the name of Tel Aviv-Yaffo municipality. The hall is located in Toulouse st., holding 500 seats together with additional sections for different social and enrichment activities.  

Terminal for vehicles crossing at Erez crossing

Industrial construction, steel foundations with decorative steel walls. The project was initiated by the Ministry of Defense and "Peles" managed to keep its tight schedule to fit the political and security requirements. 

Eshel prison in Beer Sheva, visitors' and "Magasg" sections

Building a new  and modernized visitors' center at the entrance to Eshel prison in Beer Sehva. In addition, building "Magash" section with is meant for prisoners who are rehabilitating inside the prison walls. The project is characterized by severe security restrictions, fearing that prisoners will "take advantage" of the construction process, however, the project was successfully completed. 

Electricity company- central Tel Aviv sub-station

The building is located within the electricity company site in Tel Aviv, established in the 40's and was announced as a city conservation site. "Peles" has turned it into a sub-station holding massive changes and readapting it to its new function. Moreover, the outer shell of the building has given it a modern appearance with a nostalgic aroma. 

Rabin school

Building In "Rabin" school, Mazakeret Batya.

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